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Difference between Turtle and Tortoise: Check Out Them

differences between turtles and tortoises

There are many differences between Turtles and Tortoises but one common thing between them is that they both are reptiles. They are descendants of Testudines but they come from different classification of families. The most important difference between them is that Tortoises reside on the land, whereas Turtles reside in the water.

These reptiles also have a hard and tough shell that shields their bodies. The upper part of the shell is called the carapace, while the lower portion is known as the plastron. The plastron and the carapace are linked by a bridge-like structure. This bridge-like structure never really lets their whole body get detached from it even if their head and limbs are withdrawn from the shell.
In this article, we are going to take a glance at the differences between Turtles and Tortoises.

Differences in Habitat

As we talked about living arrangements before, Turtles live in the water while tortoises live ashore. Both the reptiles lay eggs on the ground. By digging a tunnel, the mother lays two to twelve eggs there.

The future hatchlings remain for 90-120 days inside the egg, brooding individually. Once the brooding procedure is completed, the hatchlings dig their way to the surface. Tortoise mums give assurance and protection to their hatchlings for around 80 days, once these 80 days are over, the hatchlings get by alone. Whereas, turtle hatchlings live without anyone else from birth.

differences between turtles and tortoises

Differences in Physical Characteristics

A tortoise has an arch-shaped shell and short feet which are durable. Its legs are twisted instead of being straight under their body. A turtle has level shells along with webbed feet that have long hooks. A turtle has a rationalized shell and appendages which are very similar to a tortoise’s, though, the turtle’s feet have long paws and are webbed which gives them a decent grip after soaring and gliding logs and helps them in climbing on the riverbanks.

Differences in Diet

Land-based tortoises are herbivores, whereas turtles can either be a herbivore or a carnivore. The eggs which are laid down by a turtle are very light and delicate. Turtle hatchlings remain in their home alone for 90-120 days. Female tortoises dig tunnels in which they lay somewhere in the range of 2-12 eggs. As mentioned before, hatchlings take roughly around 90-120 days to brood inside the ping-pong ball measured eggs.

differences between turtles and tortoises!

Differences in Lifespan

Tortoises have an average lifespan similar to a human, which is around 60-80 years. Paradoxically, some tortoises have been known to live for more than 150 years. The longest known tortoise life range has been recorded as 188 years. Grippingly, a turtle’s normal life expectancy is around 20-40 years, while ocean turtles live up to 60-70 years, with around 40-50 years which are required to achieve development.