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Know Whether Phoenix Bird Is Real Or Not

· Birds Breed

Weall get excited about mythological creatures but some of them are real but most of them are just imaginary which doesn’t have any proof of their presence in ancient times. Many such creatures got mentioned in many books with reference to their presence and one such mythical bird is Phoenix and if you are into reading ancient books and researches then you would be able to find out that once upon a time this bird was real and used to live just like any other bird of present generation but since it is a mythical creature so it looked different. Their presence has been proved but we still wonder about that because not many people are aware of this creature.

Many poets used the presence of this creature in their poems so that people can read out that know about this amazing bird and even there were shows that claim that this kind of creature was once present in the earth but with time they got extinct and people have also claimed to get visions of this creature which is strange. If you are now wondering about this bird and its existence then, here Petsnurturing has brought everything that you need to know about this bird:

History of the phoenix real bird:

It is said that the existence of this creature is since the time of Eve and Adam and there are many stories about this bird and it has also been explained through stories that why this bird is still alive.The most famous and believed story about this bird is the apple incident. It is known by all the Adam and even has eaten the fruit from the knowledge tree and after Eve tasted the fruit she made each animal taste the fruit but somehow the phoenix bird escaped the situation and didn’t consume the fruit and that is the reason that Eve, Adam and rest of animals died but this bird is still alive and it is believed that this bird immortal and would stay in the earth forever.

Some people don’t believe in this story while some people are core believer of this story and they still believe that phoenix is still here in between us and it can appear whenever it would feel like. People believe that this bird has supernatural powers and can do many miraculous things as well which seems very interesting for sure and people still try to get at least one glimpse of this bird.

On the other hand, there are a group of people who believe in a different story about this bird which is again an interesting thing for sure. There are story famous about this bird which claims that this bird lived for ages and then one bird incident took place that has burnt the nest of this bird along with this bird but there was an egg in the next which was of course laid by that bird and later on the egg hatched and again this bird got live its life and since then this bird is still alive and would not die naturally. There is another story which says that the fired killed the bird and burnt its nest completely so there is no residue of this bird left in this world and we personally believe in the last theory.

How the phoenix real bird looked:

They were just like any other bird but they were larger than any other bird and they knew great flying skills which are a great thing for any bird.

These were everything that you need to know about the phoenix birds and to know about more such things you can browse through Petsnurturing.