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Most Popular Dog Breeds Of Japan That You Can Check Out

Anyone who is planning to have a pet would think about dogs first. The popularity of dogs comes with a variety of dogs. There are so many cute and beautiful dogs that one can have a friend. Different countries have different breeds of dogs and so even Japan has its own amazing variety of dogs. There are so many amazing Japanese dog breeds that would definitely steal your heart and you would want to have one dog at least. Japanese dogs are even popular around the world and people love to have such cuties at home. Here we would talk about some of the most amazing Japanese dogs that you can think of having in your home:

Japanese dogs

Shiba Inu:

Shiba Inu

This is a medium-size fluff ball that would always cheer you up with the charm in its character. This Japanese dog can be a good companion for the family and they are quite good with the kids as well. Recently it became a meme material dog as well who ruled the internet and are still popular. They look quite attractive with a short coat and curved tail. They come in a combination of random colors. This is one of the most ancient dogs that can have a lifespan of about 15 years.

Shikoku Ken:

Shikoku Ken

This dog looks more or less like the Shiba Inu but they are totally different when it comes to characteristics. This charming Japanese dog is bred for hunting purposes and so it is kind of hard to deal with this dog. This dog is very active and once it would face prey then it would become hard for you to keep them apart for long. They live for about 12 or more years and in general, it is a very healthy dog breed of Japan. This Japanese dog breed got its name from the Shikoku island where was bred. The key feature of this breed of dog is that they are huge as wolfs so people might even get confused.Add paragraph text here.

Kishu Ken:

Kishu Ken

This is among the cutest Japanese dog breeds that you would love to have. This dog seems to be a mixture of many other dogs looks-wise. This dog is not a very huge dog and it is even good for you if you have a small house. This is an amazing breed that knows who to behave with kids. Kishu is a very faithful and loyal dog breed that most people want to have.

Japanese Tosa Inu:

Japanese Tosa Inu

Apart from all the cute dog breeds of Japan, this is a very muscular dog that you would come across. This dog is not for first-time dog parents, rather you need a lot of practice to deal with this dog. It is very aggressive and so it can protect you in the best possible way. If you would train this dog well then it would be disciplined. The lifespan of this dog is around 12 years.

Akita Inu:

Akita Inu

I cannot end the list without mentioning Akita in the list. It is clear that this is the most loved japanese dog breeds. People love to have this dog in their home despite the price because of its jolly nature. The average lifespan of this dog is about 15 long years which is great.